Ricardo Regidor

Ricardo Regidor is a Spanish Jazz pianist and teacher at the jazz institute of the Lucerne University of Applied Arts and Sciences.

Besides his solo piano program he plays in latin-jazz, salsa, flamenco-jazz, tango, pop, gospel and soul-bands


Born in Valencia (Spain), moved to Switzerland in 1978

Jazz School Lucerne, teacher at the Lucerne University of Applied Arts and Sciences since 1999

„Ricardo Regidor Trio“, tours in Switzerland and Spain

Concerts with Joseph Bowie, Kevin Mahogany, Christy Doran, Peter Schärli, Fredy Studer, Hämi Hämmerli, Harald Haerter, Roberto Bossard, Jan Brönnimann and others

Tour in Croatia with the Erik Steen’s Flamenco Jazz Quartet (SWE), with Björn Meyer and Andi Pupato

Musical director and pianist of the European Tour Bands from Eddie Floyd, Rufus Thomas William Bell and others. Several tours in Europe.

Member of the Fernando Saunders Band, concert with Lou Reed, several tours mostly in Czech Republic and Poland

Different Salsa bands in Cuba, Germany and Switzerland

For 10 years pianist of the chanson duo „Hösli und Ricardo“. Several recordings, among others „Blau“, recorded in New York. Documentary „blau“ in Swiss cinemas (2005, Norbert Wiedmer, Stefan Kälin)

Theater music for the Lucerne theater (Geld und Geist) and for Ecco Rondo. Jingles for Swiss Television and Radio.

Regular solo pianist at Lucerne Piano Festival „Off Stage“

Berlin tour with „Zaratan“ (gipsy jazz and Eastern European music)

Concerts with flamenco guitar player Luis „Calderito“

Montreux Jazz Festival, Antwerpen Diamond Awards, Open Air St Gallen, MIDEM Cannes, New Orleans Festival Bad Hersfeld (Germany), American Black Music Festival Palermo and others




21. August 15:00 – LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr 21: Amin Chachoo – La musica andalusí: Origenes y caracteristicas

23. September 16:00 – LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr 22: Santiago Giordano y Ricardo Regidor: Panorama de la musica latinoamericana

9. Oktober 15:00 LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr. 23: Eva Wolff – Las mujeres en el Tango

November 23: Latin Workshop Ricardo Regidor – Michael de Miranda. –  Songo

December 14, 6pm: LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr. 24 – Ricardo Regidor – kubanische Musik (Deutsch)


19.06. Latin Music Talks – Ricardo Regidor

22.06. Gastdozent an UNSAM (Argentinien) zu kubanischer Musik 1950

24.06. Gastdozent an Humboldt Universität zu Berlin – Der Tango

29.06. Gastdozent an UNSAM (Argentinien) zu kubanischer Musik ab 1950

Sept.   Latin-Workshops Tallinn & Vilnius – in Estonian and Lithuanian Academies of Music and Theatre


13.7.  Duo Julio Azcano / Ricardo Regidor

14.7. Jazztage Lenk – Pocket Jukebox

9.9. 20.9 Latin-Workshops, Tallinn & Vilnius, Estonian and Lithuanian Academies of Music and Theatre

19.10. Hafenfrauenlieder – Alexandra Prusa, Kleinbühne Kultur Neuenkirch

9.11. Workshop für Musikschullehrende: Música Argentina, Musikschule Balsthal

21.1. Psycho Salsa, Jazzkantine Luzern

21.2. Borges 1974 (Buenos Aires, ARG), in Trio with Juan Pablo Navarro & Sergio Beresovsky

23.2. Vicente el Absurdo Fonda Club (Buenos Aires, ARG), in Trio with Juan Pablo Navarro & Sergio Beresovsky


The new Latin Music Talks project consists of talks or presentations with didactic content, sometimes “mini-masterclasses”, usually with guests from the Latin music field. During the Talks participants will have the opportunity to ask questions or interact in some way – just listening and learning is allowed as well. Participation is free of charge.

The Zoom links will not be published. To participate, please request the link sending an email (subject: Zoom Link for Latin Music Talk) to ricardo.regidor@hslu.ch.

all times are CEST (Frankfurt/Zurich time)

November 23: Latin Workshop Ricardo Regidor – Michael de Miranda. –  Songo

14. Dezember 18:00 LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr. 25: Ricardo Regidor – kubanische Musik (Deutsch)

18. Januar 18:00 LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr. 26: Michael de Miranda – Blocos Afro

27. April 16:00 LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr. 27: Guillermo Castro: Fundamentos musicales del flamenco y comparativa con músicas indígenas americanas y africanas

May 11th 5pm LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr. 28: Jon Griffin: The fusion of african and spanish musical traditions in Cuba during the 20th century

June 15th 5pm LATIN MUSIC TALK Nr. 29: Lola Fernandez Marin: Los Tangos flamencos – del ternario tonal afrocubano al binario modal andaluz

This project is a collaboration of the following music colleges and universities: Lucerne University of Music, UDK Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, Estonian Academy for Music and Theatre, UNSAM Buenos Aires, Lithuanian Academy for Music and Theatre, Royal Conservatory The Hague and Centre for Jazz Performance Studies at Dublin City.

Past talks:

  1. Hernan Possetti – Tango
  2. Pipi Piazzolla – Tango drumming
  3. Eva Wolff – Women in Tango
  4. Juan Pablo NAVARRO – Evolution of Tango Groove from Piazzolla to today
  5. Susana Baca 
  6. Luis Ruiz Garcia – La Milonga en el Flamenco
  7. Paqui Redondo Ruiz – Estilos de Soleá
  8. Violeta Ramos – el arpa en la musica paraguaya
  9. Juan Steiner Candombe
  10. Yuri Juarez – guitarra en la musica afroperuana
  11. Patricio Villarejo – Pugliese 
  12. David Yuka – Salsa in Colombia
  13. Luis Mercado (Bateria de los Kjarkas)- Ritmos afrobolivianos
  14. Manongo Mujica – percusionista PERUJAZZ
  15. Jhair Sala (Ex-percusionista de Pedrito Martinez)
  16. Ricardo Pons – El Fado
  17. Demian Coca – Jazz con influencias de la musica boliviana prehispanica
  18. Andrés Pilar – panorama del folklore argentino
  19. Dario Eskenazi (cancelado)
  20. Giovanni Caldas – El Currulao (musica afrocolombiana)
  21. Ricardo Nudelman – Musica afroargentina
  22. Amin Chaachoo – La música andalusí. Orígenes y características
  23. Santiago Giordano + Ricardo Regidor – Panorama de la musica latinoamericana
  24. Patricia Barone – Evolution of Tango singing
  25. Ricardo Regidor – la musica cubana hasta 1959
  26. Michael de Miranda – Blocos Afro

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